For a full description of events and participating galleries visit: masterdrawingsinnewyork.com
For a printable map, click below.
Edgar Degas
Scene at the Ballet, 1879
Brush and ink on paper
11 5/8 x 21 1/8 inches
Paul Cèzanne
Tronc d’arbre et fleurs, c. 1900
Watercolor and pencil on paper
16 5/8 x 12 1/2 inches
Auguste Rodin
Female Figure Squatting, Seen from the Front, c. 1900
Graphite on lined Japan paper
11 5/8 x 7 5/8 inches
Pierre Bonnard
O, Ombre (drawing for Un Alphabet Sentimental), 1893
Ink and pencil on paper
7 1/4 x 7 7/8 inches
Portrait of Geneviève Picot, 1898
Pastel on paper
21 1/4 x 15 5/8 inches
Auguste Rodin
Drawings inspired by The Tombs of the Medici by Michelangelo in Florence
Verso: Studies after Michelangelo's Pieta, 1902
Pen and brown ink on wove paper, Verso: pencil on paper
14 3/4 x 9 5/8 inches
Victor Hugo
Pen and brown ink with wash on paper
1 5/8 x 6 1/4 inches
Edouard Vuillard
The Model with Long Hair, c. 1908
Pastel and distemper on paper
24 3/8 x 18 1/2 inches
Gwen John
Two Houses in a Landscape, late 1920s
Gouache and pencil on brown paper
6 3/8 x 4 7/8 inches
Auguste Rodin
Bust of the Age of Bronze
Conceived 1875–76; reduced version realized in 1903–04, this cast c. 1917
Patinated terracotta
Height 8½ inches
Paul Cèzanne
La Barque, Le Lac D'Annecy, 1896
Watercolor and pencil on paper
12 1/4 x 18 5/8 inches
Thèodore Gericault
Two Characters for the Raft of the Medusa and a Horse Rump
Pen and ink with pencil on paper
8 1/8 x 13 inches
Pierre Bonnard
Study for “Salle à manger au parasol,” c. 1932
Verso: Four Sketches
Pencil on paper
9 1⁄4 x 12 ½ inches
Albert Joseph Moore
Portrait of a Girl (Probably Milly Jones)
Charcoal on brown paper
13 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches
For a full description of events and participating galleries visit: masterdrawingsinnewyork.com
For a printable map, click below.